Call for Special Sessions

Scholars who are interested in organizing special sessions are kindly invited to submit formal proposals to ICEI 2024. The organizers will take charge of the review process of the papers submitted to the sessions via the Easychair.

A Special Session Proposal Should Include:

²  Session Title

²  Brief Introduction of the Proposed Session (topics included)

²  Names and Affiliations of the Organizers

²  Contact Information

Proposal Template

The template for proposal submission is available here in DOC.

Paper Submission

The authors are required to submit their papers to a Special Session by ICEI 2024 EasyChair Account.

Approved Special Session List is to be Updated ...

  • SS1 Title: TBA (Read More)
  • Organized by: Zhao Liu
Friendly Link
Contact Us

Carol Wang

Tel: +86-13541382102


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